// Example 10: Iterators!

use std::iter;

pub fn main() {
    println!("We've seen this before");
    for i in 0u32..10 {
        println!("i: {}", i);

    println!("But how about this:");
    for j in (0u32..100).filter(|k| k % 15 == 1) {
        println!("j: {}", j);

    println!("Or this:");
    let v : Vec<Vec<usize>> = (1..6)
                              .map(|i| iter::repeat(i).take(i).collect())
                              .inspect(|v| println!("  iteration is seeing {:?}", v))

    for (i, elem_a) in v.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("I didn't take elem[{}] == {:?}", i, elem_a);
        //                           exercise 1 below ^~~~~~

    for (i, elem_b) in v.into_iter().enumerate().filter(|&(j, _)| j % 2 == 0) {
        println!("took elem[{}] == {:?}", i, elem_b);

// EXERCISE 1: What type have `elem_a`/`elem_b` above?
// HINT: If unsure, add new binding with a type ascription and see if
// type checker accepts it.

// EXERCISE 2: Figure out how to iterate over the characters
// (codepoints) in a string literal.

// EXERCISE 3: Figure out how to iterate over the space-separated
// words in a string literal.
// HINT: Play with methods here: http://doc.rust-lang.org/std/str/primitive.str.html