Subtyping in Rust and Clarke's Third Law

Felix Klock (@pnkfelix), Mozilla Research

Rust Fest, Berlin; 17 Sept 2016


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Advanced Tech and Magic

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Third Law, Arthur C. Clarke

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

Second Law, Arthur C. Clarke

(Clarke's first law is an impossible statement about elderly scientists.)

Language Technology

Lots of interesting tech in Rust

  • Borrow Checker

  • Trait and Object System

  • Destructor Semantics

  • L-value match-ing

Any of above can look like magic

But, subtyping has characteristics of a magic show

"We all already know what subtyping is..."

Aside: On Magicians and Lying

"You can lie as entertainment, but still be honest and moral"

Penn Jillette, attributed to James Randi

I'm probably going to lie to you several times during this presentation.

(Sometimes exploratory science, sometimes magic show.)


Raise your hand if you ...

  • know difference between a slice of T (i.e. &[T]) and a Vec<T>?
  • know what PhantomData<T> is?

What is subtyping?

Why do we care about subtyping?

Insisting types of inputs exactly match expected types leads compiler to reject programs that seem obviously well-behaved.

Intuition: "Compatibility"

  • "Have a &mut Vec<T>, but this function wants a &[T] slice..."

  • "Have a String, but this method is only defined on str ..."

  • "Want to return Err(IOErr) but the return type is Result<(), ParseErr> ..."

Amazingly, "try it and see" often works.

Results and Errs

"Have a specific error, but result's error is more general. What now?"

Try it and see

fn phase_1(x: Ast) -> Result<Mir, PhaseOneErr> { /* ... */ }
fn phase_2(y: Mir) -> Result<Out, PhaseTwoErr> { /* ... */ }
fn composed(a: Ast) -> Result<Out, EndToEndErr> {
    let b = try!(phase_1(a));
    let c = try!(phase_2(b));
    return Ok(c);

(we will look more at an instance of this example later)

Exploring Vectors and Slices

Vec<T> and [T] look like subtyping

"Have a Vec<i32>, but code expects a [i32] slice. What now?"

Try it and see

fn rotate(nums: &mut [i32]) {
    let len = nums.len();
    let first = nums[0];                     // save first number
    for i in 1..len { nums[i-1] = nums[i]; } // shift up all other numbers
    nums[len-1] = first;                     // put saved number at end
fn demo_rotate() {
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    assert_eq!(v, &[2, 3, 1]);

does it compile?

Exploring Vectors and Slices

Vec<T> and [T] look like subtyping

"Have a Vec<i32>, but code expects a [i32] slice. What now?"

Try it and see

fn rotate(nums: &mut [i32]) {
    let len = nums.len();
    let first = nums[0];                     // save first number
    for i in 1..len { nums[i-1] = nums[i]; } // shift up all other numbers
    nums[len-1] = first;                     // put saved number at end
fn demo_rotate() {
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    assert_eq!(v, &[3, 1, 2]);
fn demo_rotate() {
    let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    rotate(&mut v);
    assert_eq!(v, &[2, 3, 1]);

Stripped to skeletal form

mod demo_vec_slice {
    fn provide(m: &mut Vec<i32>) { expect(m); }
    fn expect(_nums: &mut [i32]) { unimplemented!() }
&mut Vec<i32> fn expect(&[i32])

"If it compiles, it works"

Exploring References

The reference types &mut T and &T look like candidates for having some sort of compatibility relationship.

"Have a &mut [i32], but code expects a &[i32] slice. What now?"

Try it and see

mod demo_mut_slice_imm_slice {
    fn provide(m: &mut [i32]) { expect(m); }
    fn expect(_nums: &[i32]) { unimplemented!() }
&mut [i32] fn expect(&[i32])

Methodology and methods

If you have self or Self, you're (probably) talking about a method

"Have an X, but code expects a Y",
for every X,Y from { Self, &Self, &mut Self }

Let us try "something simple": Methods on char arrays.

Magical receivers

Review: Extending types with new methods

trait AsciiIncr {
    /// Increments `self` by one unit. (Only works for 7-bit ASCII characters though.)
    fn incr(&mut self);

impl AsciiIncr for char {
    fn incr(&mut self) { *self = (*self as u8 + 1) as char }
fn check_ascii_incr() {
    let mut c: char = 'a';
    assert_eq!(c, 'b');

Exploring one's self

Exploration: Mock up trivially simple traits, rather than get bogged down with code of "useful" traits (like AsciiIncr).

trait Receiver {
    fn by_ref(&self); fn by_mut(&mut self); fn by_val(self) where Self: Sized;

impl Receiver for [char; 2] {
    fn by_ref(&self)     { println!("ref: {:?}", self[0]); }
    fn by_mut(&mut self) { println!("mut: {:?}", self[0]); self[1].incr(); }
    fn by_val(mut self)  { println!("val: {:?}", self[0]); self[1].incr(); }

Sanity check

trait Receiver {
    fn by_ref(&self); fn by_mut(&mut self); fn by_val(self) where Self: Sized;

impl Receiver for [char; 2] {
    fn by_ref(&self)     { println!("ref: {:?}", self[0]); }
    fn by_mut(&mut self) { println!("mut: {:?}", self[0]); self[1].incr(); }
    fn by_val(mut self)  { println!("val: {:?}", self[0]); self[1].incr(); }
fn demo_obvious_cases() {
    let a = ['a', '1']; let b = &['b', '4']; let c = &mut ['c', '7'];
    // [char; 2]        &[char; 2]           &mut [char; 2]
    println!("obvious: (a,b,c): {:?}", (a,b,c));


val: 'a'
ref: 'b'
mut: 'c'
obvious: (a,b,c): (['a', '1'], ['b', '4'], ['c', '8'])


trait Receiver {
    fn by_ref(&self); fn by_mut(&mut self); fn by_val(self) where Self: Sized;

impl Receiver for [char; 2] {
    fn by_ref(&self)     { println!("ref: {:?}", self[0]); }
    fn by_mut(&mut self) { println!("mut: {:?}", self[0]); self[1].incr(); }
    fn by_val(mut self)  { println!("val: {:?}", self[0]); self[1].incr(); }
fn demo_interesting_cases() {
    let mut a = ['a', '1']; let b = &['b', '4']; let c = &mut ['c', '7'];
    // [char; 2]            &[char; 2]           &mut [char; 2]
    a.by_val();             b.by_val();          c.by_val();
    a.by_ref();             b.by_ref();          c.by_ref();
    a.by_mut();             /*  ...  */          c.by_mut();
    println!("interesting: (a,b,c): {:?}", (a,b,c));

Only b.by_mut() rejected by compiler.


For receiver for a method (i.e. the x in x.m(...)):

  • only going from &[char; n] to &mut [char; n] is disallowed
  • can go from [char; n] to &mut [char; n]
  • &[char; n] to [char; n]
  • et cetera

Does this make sense?

(How can we go from a reference to a value?)

Is this subtyping?

View from OOP VM runtime hacker

ptr: NonZero<*const T> Vec<T> repr: cap: usize len: usize data: *const T &[T] repr: len: usize

How could Vec<T> possibly be a subtype of &[T]? They have incompatible representations.

(However, a language hacker's view may differ...)

Is this subtyping?

(Temporarily putting aside previous examples)

Textbook subtyping

Classic example: "Records"

  • "Have a record with these fields, want one with a subset of the fields"

  • A Rust analogue: "Have (A, B, C), this function wants (A, B)"

Try it and see

mod demo_subtuple {
    fn provide<A, B, C>(tup: (A, B, C)) { expect(tup); }
    fn expect<A, B>(_tup: (A, B)) { unimplemented!(); }

(Q: Why might disallowing this be a good idea for a language like Rust?)

Textbook subtyping

Academic example: Functions

  • Assume types Int, Real where Int <: Real
Real …, -7.2, ⅓, ½, 3.14, π, … Int …, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …
  • "Have a function f of type Real -> Int, want one like Real -> Real"

  • i.e., is it legal to pass f as if it is a Real -> Real?

  • What about a function g of type Int -> Int? Can that be passed as Real -> Real?

Textbook subtyping

  • "Have a function of type Int -> Int, want one like Real -> Real"
  • Won't work: g: Int -> Int assumes input is always an Int, yet client taking Real -> Real is free to apply it to -7.2 or ⅓ or π.
twice: (Real -> Real) Real -> Real
twice(f, r) = f(f(r))

num_divisors: Int -> Int
num_divisors(4)  = |{1, 2, 4}| = 3
num_divisors(12) = |{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12}| = 6

twice(num_divisors, 2.3) = num_divisors(num_divisors(2.3))
                         = num_divisors(???)
                         = ill-defined!
  • Int -> Int <: Real -> Real
  • "Have a function of type Real -> Int, want one like Real -> Real"

Textbook subtyping

  • Int -> Int <: Real -> Real

  • "Have a function of type Real -> Int, want one like Real -> Real"

twice: (Real -> Real) Real -> Real
twice(f, r) = f(f(r))

ceil_plus: Real -> Int
ceil_plus(x) = ⌈x⌉ + 1
ceil_plus 2.3: Real twice( f, r) = ceil_plus(ceil_plus(2.3)) = ceil_plus(⌈2.3⌉ + 1) = ⌈4⌉ + 1 = 5
  • This makes sense, right? (Assume compatible runtime representation.)

"Client says they can handle a production of any real number, so it is safe to provide something that will only produce integer values."

Textbook subtyping

  • "Have a function of type Real -> Int, want one like Real -> Real"

"Client says they can handle a production of any real number, so it is safe to provide something that will only produce integer values."

class Real             { Real increment() { /* ... */ } }
class Int extends Real {  Int increment() { /* ... */ } }

or, more accurately,

class RealFun                { Real operation(Real x) { /* ... */ } }
class IntFun extends RealFun {  Int operation(Real x) { /* ... */ } }
  • (tidbit: Sun added covariant return types back in Java SE 5, 2004)

Gentzen-style subtyping deduction rules

precondition postcondition


A true B true (A and B) true

A rule for function values

Y <: X A -> Y <: A -> X

aka -> is covariant with respect to its return type.

Example instance:

Int <: Real Real -> Int <: Real -> Real

All caller can do is get an X from calling the function;

So it is safe to narrow and use a Y as the return value.

Contravariant with respect to argument type

  • "Have a function of type Real -> Int, want one like Int -> Int"

  • Sometimes unintuitive

"Client says they will only feed integer values into the function, so it is safe to provide something that can consume any real number."

  • Not supported by languages like Java; conflicts with method overloading.

A more general rule with contravariance

Y <: X B <: A A -> Y <: B -> X

aka -> is covariant with respect to its return type, and -> is contravariant with respect to its argument type.

All caller can do is feed in more specific B (and get out more general X).

So it is safe to be more liberal and accept any A at all, and guarantee the more specific Y as return value.

Aside: What about when domain = range?

??? Y -> Y <: X -> X

Does Rust have variance?

Does Rust have variance: experiment 1

&Vec<i32> fn (&usize) -> &Vec<i32> ? fn expect(&[i32]) fn expect_hof(fn (&usize) -> &[i32])
mod demo_variance_and_vec_slice {
    fn provide(m: &Vec<i32>) { expect(m); }
    fn expect(_nums: &[i32]) { unimplemented!() }
mod demo_variance_and_vec_slice_hof {
    fn provide_hof(f: fn (&usize) -> &Vec<i32>) { expect_hof(f); }
    fn expect_hof(_f: fn (&usize) -> &[i32]) { unimplemented!(); }
error: mismatched types [E0308]
fn provide_hof(f: fn (&usize) -> &Vec<i32>) { expect_hof(f); }
note: expected type `fn(&usize) -> &[i32]`
note:    found type `fn(&usize) -> &std::vec::Vec<i32>`

("hof" stands for "higher-order function")

Does Rust have variance: experiment 2

&mut [i32] fn (&usize) -> &mut [i32] ? fn expect(&[i32]) fn expect_hof(fn (&usize) -> &[i32])
mod demo_variance_and_mut_slice {
    fn provide(m: &mut [i32]) { expect(m); }
    fn expect(_nums: &[i32]) { unimplemented!() }
mod demo_variance_and_mut_slice_hof {
    fn provide_hof(f: fn (&usize) -> &mut [i32]) { expect_hof(f); }
    fn expect_hof(_f: fn (&usize) -> &[i32]) { unimplemented!(); }
error: mismatched types [E0308]
fn provide_hof(f: fn (&usize) -> &mut [i32]) { expect_hof(f); }
note: expected type `fn(&usize) -> &[i32]`
note:    found type `fn(&usize) -> &mut [i32]`

Seems like Rust does not have (co)variance

"seems like" ... hmm


A Story

Simon Sapin (paraphrased):

I had some code that does not compile. I do not understand why, so to try to understand it, I narrowed it down to a particular use of Cell. But I didn't understand what was happening, so I tried making my tiny version of Cell, and the problem went away.

The Sapin example

Let's try to implement std::cell::Cell, in user code.

struct MyCell<T> {
    value: T,

impl<T: Copy> MyCell<T> {
    fn new(x: T) -> MyCell<T> { MyCell { value: x } }
    fn get(&self) -> T { self.value }
    fn set(&self, value: T) {
        use std::ptr;
        unsafe {
            ptr::write(&self.value as *const _ as *mut _, value);

Is this use of unsafe sound?

(Actually completely broken; reasons include compiler details regarding aliasing info; we'll focus on another subtle one here.)

static X: i32 = 10;

fn test_mycell_short_lifetime() {
    let cell = MyCell::new(&X);

    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &MyCell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13;
                                           step2(&val, r_c1);
                                           println!("step1 value: {}", r_c1.value); }

    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &MyCell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

    println!("  end value: {}", cell.value);

(DON'T PANIC: We're going to step through this.)

Output (some run on my machine):

step1 value: 13
  end value: 28672

(28672??? Bogus!) Where does this garbage come from?

static X: i32 = 10;

fn test_mycell_short_lifetime() {
    let cell = MyCell::new(&X);
    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &MyCell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(&val, r_c1); }
    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &MyCell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

before step1(&cell);:

(static data area) (Stack) X: 10 cell = MyCell value

static X: i32 = 10;

fn test_mycell_short_lifetime() {
    let cell = MyCell::new(&X);
    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &MyCell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(&val, r_c1); }
    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &MyCell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

before step2(&val, r_c1);:

(static data area) (Stack) X: 10 cell = MyCell value r_c1 val 13

static X: i32 = 10;

fn test_mycell_short_lifetime() {
    let cell = MyCell::new(&X);
    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &MyCell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(&val, r_c1); }
    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &MyCell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

before r_c2.set(r_val):

(static data area) (Stack) X: 10 cell = MyCell value r_c1 val 13 r_val r_c2

static X: i32 = 10;

fn test_mycell_short_lifetime() {
    let cell = MyCell::new(&X);
    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &MyCell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(&val, r_c1); }
    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &MyCell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

after r_c2.set(r_val):

(static data area) (Stack) X: 10 cell = MyCell value r_c1 val 13 r_val r_c2

static X: i32 = 10;

fn test_mycell_short_lifetime() {
    let cell = MyCell::new(&X);
    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &MyCell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(&val, r_c1); }
    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &MyCell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

after step2 returns:

(static data area) (Stack) X: 10 cell = MyCell value r_c1 val 13

static X: i32 = 10;

fn test_mycell_short_lifetime() {
    let cell = MyCell::new(&X);
    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &MyCell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(&val, r_c1); }
    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &MyCell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

after step1 returns:

(static data area) (Stack) X: 10 cell = MyCell value ???

Either MyCell is broken, or the compiler is.

Is Cell also broken?

mod test_stdcell_short_lifetime {
    use std::cell::Cell;
    static X: i32 = 10;

    fn test_stdcell_short_lifetime() {
        let cell = Cell::new(&X);
    fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &Cell<&'a i32>) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(&val, r_c1); }
    fn step2<'b>(r_val: &'b i32, r_c2: &Cell<&'b i32>) { r_c2.set(r_val); }

Compiler output:

error: `val` does not live long enough
step2(&val, r_c1);
note: reference must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the block at 775:39...
fn step1<'a>(r_c1: &Cell<&'a i32>) {
note: ...but borrowed value is only valid for the block suffix following statement 0 at 776:26
    let val: i32 = 13;

Difference between MyCell and Cell?

struct MyCell<T> {
    value: T,

pub struct Cell<T> {
    value: UnsafeCell<T>,

#[lang = "unsafe_cell"]
pub struct UnsafeCell<T: ?Sized> {
    value: T,

MyCell just holds a T, while Cell holds an UnsafeCell<T>, which is a "language item" known specially to the compiler.

Why accept MyCell and reject Cell?

Subtyping and variance

Yes, Rust has Subtyping

Yes, Rust has Subtyping

/// Picks either `x` or `y`, based on some internal choice.
fn pick<'a>(x: &'a i32, y: &'static i32) -> &'a i32 {
    if *x > 0 { x } else { y }

static GLOBAL: i32 = 100;

#[test] fn pick_test() { let temp: i32 = 200; pick(&temp, &GLOBAL); }
'static (`*y` guaranteed to live at least this long) 'a (`*x` guaranteed to live at least this long) temp

The value y: &'static i32 is able to be returned as a &'a i32.

This is sound because 'static outlives 'a

  • (syntax: 'static: 'a, pronounced "outlives")

And the other direction?

fn promote<'a>(x: &'a i32) -> &'static i32 {
    return x;

#[test] fn promote_test() { let temp: i32 = 200; promote(&temp); }
'static (`fn promote` promises a reference value for this long) 'a (`*x` only promises to live this long) temp

Not legal to return &'a i32 as a &'static i32 for arbitrary 'a; otherwise, dangling pointers.

References revisited

Insight: For any type T and any lifetime 'a, clearly &'static T should be valid anywhere that &'a T is.

&'static [i32] fn expect(&[i32])

Gentzen style

'static outlives 'a &'static T <: &'a T

A more general rule

For any type T and lifetimes 'a, 'b, if 'b outlives 'a, then &'b T should be valid anywhere &'a T is.

'b outlives 'a &'b T <: &'a T

Further generalization

Already established we should have &'static T <: &'a T.

What about a reference to a reference?

Should &'a &'static T <: &'a &'a T ...?

Intuition: All you can do with a &X is read data from the X it holds.

Analogous to a function A -> Y <: A -> X

'b outlives 'a Y <: X &'b Y <: &'a X

&X is covariant with respect to X

But that's &X; what about &mut X?

What about mut references

Should &'a mut &'static T <: &'a mut &'a T ...?

Allowing that exposes:

mod promote_short_to_static {
    static X: i32 = 10;
    fn test() {
        let mut ptr: &'static i32 = &mut X;
        step1(&mut ptr);
    fn step1<'a>(r1: &'a mut &'static i32) { let val: i32 = 13; step2(r1, &val); }
    fn step2<'b, T>(r2: &'b mut &'b T, r_val: &'b T) { *r2 = r_val; }
(static data area) (Stack) X: 10 ptr r1 val 13 r_val r2


Insight: for any type X and any lifetime 'a, &'static mut X is valid anywhere &'a mut X is.

But we cannot generalize to Y <: X

Intuition: Once you allow mutation through a reference, the type itself must remain fixed.

Other languages

Java example: Does this compile? (FYI Float <: Number)

static void modify_array(Number[] numArray) { numArray[0] = new Float(3.14); }

Java array T[] is covariant with respect to T.

What happens here?

static void mut_array() {
    Integer[] intArray = new Integer[1]; modify_array(intArray); }
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayStoreException: java.lang.Float
    at Examples.modify_array(
    at Examples.mut_array(
    at Examples.main(

(Old wart historical artifact; predates Java support for generics.)

Are Rust function types variant?

&'static i32 fn (&usize) -> &'static i32 ? fn expect(&i32) fn expect_hof(fn (&usize) -> &i32)
mod demo_variance_and_static_ref {
    fn provide(m: &'static i32) { let val = 13; expect(&val, m); }
    fn expect<'a>(_: &'a i32, _r: &'a i32) { unimplemented!() }

mod demo_variance_and_static_ref_hof {
    fn prov_hof(f: fn(&usize) -> &'static i32) { let val = 13; exp_hof(&val, f); }
    fn exp_hof<'a>(_: &'a i32, _f: fn (&'a usize) -> &'a i32) { unimplemented!() }

Functions even contravariant with respect to their argument types

(Rust does not have method overloading so no conflict there)

Behind the curtain: variance

Where does variance come from?

Compiler deduces the variance of a type (with respect to its type parameters) based on the structure of that type.

struct OuterInline<T> { one: T, inner: InnerInline<T> }
struct InnerInline<T> { data: T }

InnerInline and OuterInline both covariant with respect to T

struct OuterRef<'a, T: 'a> { one: &'a mut T, inner: InnerRef<'a, T> }
struct InnerRef<'a, T: 'a> { data: &'a T }

InnerRef is covariant w.r.t. T, while OuterRef is invariant w.r.t. T

If compiler sees a PhantomData<SomeType>, it traverses the structure of SomeType as if it were embedded directly.

What's up with Cell, UnsafeCell

UnsafeCell<T> is invariant with respect to T, (and that bubbles out to Cell<T>).

What's up with MyCell

Structural definition of MyCell alone implies it is covariant w.r.t. T

This (broken) method violates rules associated with covariance:

    fn set(&self, value: T) {
        use std::ptr;
        unsafe {
            ptr::write(&self.value as *const _ as *mut _, value);

Must impose invariance

Use PhantomData<fn (T) -> T> in MyCell<T>: one way

Use UnsafeCell<T> in MyCell<T>: better way

Behind the curtain: "duck subtyping"

Examples from beginning

The earlier examples are not kind of subtyping that references have.

What is actually happening?

Coercions, Auto-Borrowing, Protocols


Receiver coercion

For receiver for a method (i.e. the x in x.m(...)):

Compiler will automatically insert a borrow or dereferences to find a type that provides method m.

See also StackOverflow Q

That, combined with dereference of a Copy type, explains

    let mut a = ['a', '1']; let b = &['b', '4']; let c = &mut ['c', '7'];
    // [char; 2]            &[char; 2]           &mut [char; 2]
    a.by_val();             b.by_val();          c.by_val();
    a.by_ref();             b.by_ref();          c.by_ref();
    a.by_mut();             /*  ...  */          c.by_mut();
    println!("interesting: (a,b,c): {:?}", (a,b,c));

(Note: Parameters other than receiver do not get this special treatment)

Deref coercion

When you have a type &Y, where Y can be dereferenced to yield X, then compiler will automatically coerce &Y to &X by inserting necessary derefers.

See RFC 271: "Deref Conversions"

That, combined with impl such that Vec<T>: Deref<Target=[T]>, explains

&Vec<i32> fn expect(&[i32])

Auto reborrows

As if things weren't confusing enough ...

If you pass a mutable value reference into an expression context that is itself inferred to be expecting a reference, the compiler will automatically insert &mut *value.

Main effect of this: passing a &mut T does not always move it; sometimes it implicitly reborrows (so that you can mutate the &mut after the call, rather than losing access to it).


How did we get EndToEndErr from the results of phase_1/phase_2?

fn phase_1(x: Ast) -> Result<Mir, PhaseOneErr> { /* ... */ }
fn phase_2(y: Mir) -> Result<Out, PhaseTwoErr> { /* ... */ }

fn composed(a: Ast) -> Result<Out, EndToEndErr> {
    let mir = try!(phase_1(a));
    let out = try!(phase_2(mir));
    return Ok(out);

Are PhaseOneErr and PhaseTwoErr subtypes of EndToEndErr?

Answer: Magic is hidden behind the try! (and some trait impls)

Answer: Magic is hidden behind the try! (and some trait impls)

    let mir = try!(phase_1(a));

expands to:

    let mir =
        match phase_1(a) {
            ::std::result::Result::Ok(val) => val,
            ::std::result::Result::Err(err) => {
                return ::std::result::Result::Err(::std::convert::From::from(err))

(New ? form today is same as try!; easier to show try! expansion)

inserts conversion via std::convert::From transforming specific error to whatever error is expected in context of expression

            ::std::result::Result::Err(err) => {
                return ::std::result::Result::Err(::std::convert::From::from(err))

inserts conversion via std::convert::From transforming specific error to whatever error is expected in context of expression

enum EndToEndErr {

impl From<PhaseOneErr> for EndToEndErr {
    fn from(phase_1_err: PhaseOneErr) -> EndToEndErr {

impl From<PhaseTwoErr> for EndToEndErr {
    fn from(phase_2_err: PhaseTwoErr) -> EndToEndErr {

(So, all the magic here is in macros and trait system.)

Gotchas re: coercions and auto-(re)borrows

Compiler needs the expected type.

E.g. this compiles and runs:

fn process1(input: &[i32]) { }
fn foo() { process1(&vec![1, 2, 3]); }

but this fails at compile time:

trait Input { }
impl Input for [i32] { }
fn process2<I>(input: &I) where I: Input { }
fn bar() { process2(&vec![1, 2, 3]); }


fn process1(input: &[i32]) { }
&Vec<i32> process1(&[i32])

Compiler sees input + expected types

  • adds &Vec -> &[i32] coercion
fn process2<I>(input: &I) where I: Input { }
&Vec<i32> process2(&I)

Compiler decides I is Vec<i32>

  • tries to find impl Input for Vec<i32>


Pop Quiz

&'static mut T <: ? &'a mut T
&'a &'static mut T <: ? &'a &'a mut T
&'a mut &'static T <: ? &'a mut &'a T

One answer: How often do you actually answer such questions?

(be aware of subtyping, but need not be foremost in your mind)

In case you care: Yes, Yes, No

Why does variance matter?

Getting covariance vs invariance right matters for soundness

But you should not need to think about it at all if you are not writing unsafe { ... }

(it is solely compiler's job until unsafe gets involved)

More Info

See RFCs

The Book

and the Rustonomicon

And contribute back to them!

End Thoughts

  • Keep asking questions

  • "Show me the code!"

  • Do the experiments

  • Magic: As real as you want it to be
